I’ve been there…so I can help you through there!
Hi! My name is RhondaLeigh, and I’ve been on a journey!
This is the former me:
I hated my body.
I hated who I was.
I yo-yo dieted.
I felt like a failure.
I felt socially inept, stupid, fat, and ugly.
I was disconnected from my body and had no idea what it wanted or needed.
I was frustrated and angry with myself because I could not stay on a diet.
I stayed at home instead of going to social engagements.
I put off doing fun things until I “lost the weight.”
I hated exercise, and would either go crazy with it to the point of injury, or I would not do it at all.
I had an all-or-nothing attitude.
I would never forgive myself for my diet and exercise short comings.
I love my body and I accept myself for who I am.
I no longer diet.
I have forgiven myself for my failures and have given myself grace.
I am enough! I am smart, funny, innovative, and resilient.
I can do anything! And I do lots of fun things now!
I am connected to my body.
I move for joy and fun.
I have challenged my beliefs, and have rejected black-and-white thinking.
You can have this too!
I can help you through all of this and get you on a sustainable path that will help you feel good about yourself, your life, your purpose, and your priorities.
I completed the Life Coach Course at Life Purpose Institute, and I am ready to coach you through your diet and exercise issues, to help you find health and wellbeing where ever you are.
Contact me TODAY for your Free Session!